2015. szeptember 24., csütörtök

Why waste time on saying goodbye?

I always think that men cannot surprise me any more. Well, usually I am wrong.

I have seen "He's just not that into you" a couple of times and I have to agree with the movie: if a man is interested in you, he will find a way... if not, he will find an excuse. Sounds cruel, but pretty much that's life.

However there are those men who totally break these simple rules and just drive me cra-a-a-zy. And if we are talking about a Scandinavian man, yes, that's far more complicated... -.-'

Tonight's example. The (viking :)) guy was writing to me to ask how I was doing (as I've been on sick leave all week). I found that cute and was super excited, we had a little chit-chat when out of the blue he disappeared... I mean he was still online, just our conversation died. And I didn't write anything wrong or boring or whatever. WTF?!

Maybe he just got bored and will say "Have a nice evening, bye!" at some point when he will really log off and go to sleep... (Wouldn't be surprising from him though.)
But I just cannot understand if HE was the one writing to ME, then how come that he just stopped writing all of a sudden...???! And they say women are complicated... -.- :D

2015. szeptember 23., szerda

The first - again

Here I am, setting up a new blog! This is not the first time in my life, everything started 10 years ago! OMG time flies!!! *not freaking out...*

I remember playing around with my first online diary in 2005 on an MSN webpage or something like that. :) Then I changed to freeblog which doesn't even exist any more.
At first I had been writing as I would do it in my own diary but then I quickly discovered that it gave people too much info about my life - and if they can, they surely will hurt you.

After a while I got bored of constant struggling with the right balance what to show and what to hide from people, so I stopped writing my blog. Then I started a new one, then I stopped and then I started all over again... I have to admit, I just like sharing my stories with people. It's good to get positive feedback about my humour or support when I'm in a difficult period.

I even had blogs about books, weightloss and a one song for a day type of blog - all kinds of topics that I was obsessed at some point in my life. And I got to know a lot of interesting, funny people via writing or reading blogs - so I am kind of addicted to this world.

I went through a terrible break up two years ago and had the craziest stories since then. Experiences that I couldn't even have imagined if they had not happened to me... :D Lots of friends tell me these days that I should write a blog and get rich from that (haha I wish I could... :D) or that they wanna buy the rights for making a movie about my life... :)
Well, I don't have such high expectations. I just want to improve my English and share my sometimes funny, sometimes not so funny stories while I am living my life as some combination of Bridget Jones, Monica Geller sometimes even Samantha Jones. :)